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An Attempt at Food Planning

I have tried to food plan several times, and it has always been a major crash and burn. I get overly ambitious, and then I am let down when the final result doesn't look as it should, and then I am even more let down when the kids refuse to eat, or worse yet, when the dogs won't eat it. I have been told more than once (more than twice even) that I am talented in the kitchen, these days however I pretty much limit myself to chicken nuggets and pat myself on the back if I can get the kids to eat some baby carrots.

Since we missed our weekly Target run on Friday I am going to go to the market to pick up supplies tomorrow, and after falling into the rabbit hole that is Pinterest I have decided to give meal planning another go. This time will be different. This time will be special. This time I will remember that I have a burgeoning diva daughter, the world's pickiest eater for a son, and a toddler who blesses the dogs with "sky food" at every meal. This time, I scanned Pinterest for things that are basically just different versions of buttered noodles (which two out of three kids enjoy). I am also only going to plan a few new things, and just use my old reliables the rest of the time.

The first dinner that I am going to try out with the kids is fairly simple and straight forward:

If my kids totally refuse to eat this I am going to accuse them of being un-american. Luckily, I am pretty sure that all three kids will eat hot dogs... you know, if the wind is blowing in the right direction and a four leaf clover blows in the wind.

The next non routine dinner that I will attempt are these Rice and Bean Cakes:

They are going to be so pissed when they realize that there is no actual cake involved, and I'm sure that I will be pissed when I am picking up little bits of rice and corn for days. That's just the way the cakeless cake crumbles I suppose.

Lastly, if you have read about food on my blog before, you know that I heavily rely on Pillsbury for weekend breakfasts. So when I saw this video on Facebook via Tasty I already knew that I was going to make this breakfast bake over the weekend. The Easy Brunch Bake:

Now to be honest, I am not sure how this will go over exactly, but I am going to give it a shot! I just can't resist a recipe involving canned baked goods.

If you want to connect and swap recipes (drool over shoes with me) on Pinterest feel free to follow me over there. Fair warning: it is a bit of a mess. Also, don't forget to find me on Instagram to see actual documentation of the Pinterest fails that are going to happen this week!

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