Fall(ing into online shopping)
Earlier today I went to put a quarter into one of the piggy banks in my office (I have three here) and had to give it a shake and make room to be able to squish it in. Cha-ching!!! Instantly I started to think of things I could buy with the money I have ferreted away over the past year. When all three piggy banks are full I like to take the coins in and walk out with dolla dolla bills to treat myself. Of course, there are at least five pressing "adult" things that I need to use this teeny nest egg for, but that didn't stop me from window shopping and choosing some items to build a perfectly mom chic fall wardrobe.
I have always loved autumn style, fascinated by it really. Rich jewel tones, non-boring neutrals, plaid and buffalo check.. structured menswear inspired items paired with flowy feminine items. Ugh! I die. It probably has something to do with the fact that I have spent my life in an area where it is Summer ten months of the year, Fall for one month, and Spring for one month. I'm not sure that I have even felt a real winter to be honest.
Now, before I babble further and start drooling over textures and prints I present to you my current Fall wish list (not including cosmetics or skincare because that could be an entirely separate blog entry).
Collared Longline Jacket $49.90: I live in an area where layering is key. During our "cooler" months it may be eighty five out during the day but drop into the low sixties as the sun sets, so this light weight machine washable jacket looks just about perfect to me. An added bonus is that it looks like it could provide some cover while trying to nurse a squirming toddler.
Life in Xanadu Sunglasses $50.00: If you have not heard of Quay Australia, you clearly spend much less time on Instagram and Youtube than I do (I promise not to judge you if you promise not to judge me). I am drooling over these seventies inspired specs.
Mid-Rise Harper Suit Pants $36.94: I actually might not be able to keep myself from going to my local Old Navy and picking these up. ON pants do not fail me as work wear. Easy to take care of, easy to style, and if the kids get jam on them in the mornings they aren't super costly so it isn't a big deal. Plus, I am just a sucker for patterns on pants.
Atlas Convertible Statement Necklace $68.00: One of my best friends is a merchandiser for Chloe + Isabel and she has got me absolutely hooked on their baubles. The quality is amazing, there are pieces for almost everyone's personal style, and the customer service is top notch. One of my necklaces broke and I was able to send it back and have a brand new one sent back ASAP. I am loving this necklace because it can be worn two different ways!
Women's Funnel-Neck Cocoon Sweater $29.94: Looking at this list can you tell that I just really love Old Navy? I mean, this sweater with some skinny jeans and embellished flats? It is like the mom Sunday uniform! Plus, it looks easy to breastfeed in (you will notice a trend in my fashion choices here).
Lake Geneva Lovely Bootie in Dusk $77.99: I am telling you that it is taking serious will power to not just accidently hit the paypal button and pull the trigger on these. I mean these booties with the funnel-neck sweater? These booties with these booties?!?!
Women's Boyfriend Plaid Flannel Shirt $18.00: Are we still doing the thing were we promise not to judge each other? Because, I already own a lot of plaid shirts. But you see, I don't own one with these colors. Seriously though, the flannel shirts at ON are super soft and cozy and at eighteen bucks this top is right up my ally.
Onarenna Hat $30.00: I have always wished that I was a hat person. I actually think that hats look nice on me..for about two seconds before my crazy thick hair lifts them off my head and makes the sit funny. Every year around this time I buy a hat despite that fact, and I have got my eye on this one. I have a few black ones already, and I am not sure that a color that isn't super neutral would work my my current hair. I'm sure I will still try on about fifty hats this season anyway.
High Rise Fluted Midi Skirt $32.94: If you guessed that this is another item from Old Navy you guessed right! Maybe it is because it was the first website I pulled up when I started on this endevor, or maybe it is because they are just crushing it with afordable options this season. This skirt is giving me life. I have already thought of three different ways to style it with items already in my closet. I mean, it is the color of wine, it must be wonderful.
So there you have it. My current top picks for this Fall. You can tell that I spend a lot of time at work, and when I am with my family I spend a lot of time with a toddler attacking me, not to mention keeping up with the twins. I feel like this list is a good mix of fuctional (I mean, I gotta keep breastfeeding and sticky little twin hands in mind) and fashionable, which isn't always an easy thing to accomplish but I figure it is just part of the balancing act that is being Mom and being Me. I hate to think that the two are mutually exclusive.
Tell me, what are your fall "must haves" or "wish I had"s? Let us compare!