What's In A Bag
As a mom I find that I have very little personal space, and I have almost no space that is solely mine. At one time I had dreams of having a bedroom that was an oasis in the chaotic sea of a thriving family, but that pipe dream was kissed goodbye as the fact that I share the space with a fourty three year old grizzly bear crashed down on my head. Not to mention the nineteen month old dictator that rules the master bedroom. The master bath is a shared space as well, and even when the opportunity to take a bath presents itself I have to make space in the piles of bath toys for my glass of wine.
Our dining room didn't last as a dining room for long. Before the twins were born it was already used as an inside work space and storage area for my husband. Now my beautiful vingage china hutch and dining set are tucked away in the garage and the entire room has been converted into a playroom worthy of Pinterest. My kitchen has been made childproofed and no mater what time of day there are children underfoot while I prep and cook. The living room is full of toys and my beautiful throw pillows have been demolished by dogs and kids. The guest room is quite litterally full of legos and will most likely become my son's bedroom in the next year or so.
The very last "me space" that I had was my walk-in closet. When we were moving into our house I painted my closet pink with gold trim and lovingly placed my shoes and clothes inside. Everything was neat and orderly and put away in it's proper place, and when I needed a zen moment I could hangout in there and sit for a few moments. Now years later it is still pink with gold trim, but I can hardly get dressed without a toddler barging in or having to answer an email or question. Often when it is too quiet and I don't have eyes on Patience I find her inside pulling shoes out of boxes and tangling up necklaces. No more "me space" there.
:What do I have left," you ask? I have my purse. My purse is the last pocket of my own space that I have left and I hold it sacred. The twins and my husband know to never go into or even touch my purse without asking, and I am working on getting Charlie there too. In a life where I share so much of myself emotionally and physically, I just need a small space that is just mine and that I can control. It seems silly really, but it helps me feel more connected to myself, which in turn helps me feel more connected to everyone else. My purse is important to me; it holds my identy, it holds my finances, it holds my small creature comforts, and it holds my make up. When my family respects the importance of my bag it makes me feel more valued and respected. It might sound crazy, but it is what it is.
"Why is she telling us about her crazy? " I can hear you asking yourself. Well, this morning a new purse that I purchased from another twin mama friend was delivered to my house and I will be switching over bags this weekend! Currently I am using the Fossil Erin Crossbody . I think of this bag as old reliable. It was a Valintine's Day gift from Chad just before Charlie was born and it is a "mom" bag to the max. Quality leather, cute color, lots of pockets, seperate pouches, and can be worn as a tote or as a crossbody. I figure that this is the perfect oppertunity to share the hoard of crap in my bag and encourage you all to share what is in yours!

A lot of loose change. Like, what am I? Coinstar? (put some in the piggy bank before I snapped the photo)
Pilfered Splenda and Stevia in the Raw packets that I keep in the credit card slots of the front zip.
A small stack of business cards that I never give out.
Passport photos of Charlie that I am pretty sure will be rejected and need to be redone.
Gap Cas$h (that isn't expired! yayyyyyy!)
Patience's Kid's Club membership to Whole Foods.
Key ring containing: Office keys, home key, car fob thing, souvenier key chain with photo from Vegas, LED flashlight, Bad Cop from The Lego Movie, and a kitty cat eye stabby thing from Amazon.
My wallet (currently using an old Fossile dark green wallet because it has room for even more stuff!)
A set of Freshly Picked Moccs. I put them away right away so that they didn't get lost.
MAC Prep + Prime spray (full size?!?!)
Appointment reminder card for leg waxing.
Tiny bottle of bubbles to entertain whinging children.
One Honest diaper in size three (note to self start ordering fours for Charlie).
Mostly used package of Honest wipes.
One gold earring.
Make up: Pink EOS Lip Balm, Sun Bum Lip Balm, NYX lip butter in Creme Brulee, random double size cosmetic pencil sharpener, MAC lip liner in Subculture, KVD Everlasting lipstick in Double Dare, and bullet lipsticks in Lolita and Countess, radom bobby pins.
The other gold earring that I just found in a completely different pocket.
A random pad that I keep around in case I get a period even though I don't even remember the last time I got one.
Some jewelry that I thought that I had lost but just found! I put it away immediately so it wasn't lost again.
Even more loose change.
An obscene amount of crumpled recipts.
This is actually a small haul for me. There are days where I pull out toddler sized Vans, headphones, character chonies, Thomas the Train toys, Legos, an iPad, a play cell phone,
and even my own sandals. On any random day though, this is it. Now that it is all typed out it is kind of sad and silly that I get so upset over having my "purse-onal" space invaded, it's not like I am gaurding gold bars or the secret to world peace after all. I suppose that what I am gaurding is a symbol of myself.
Plus I am gaurding beautiful leather product.